3rd mixed workshop: Sets of rules

  1. Ballnet (10 min) – two balls of different colours

Participants stand in a big circle. They throw a ball to one another, saying their own first name. In the nex round they have to throw the bal to the same person as in the first round. In the next round a ball of different colour also goes around, but when throwing this ball, participants have to say the name of the person they throw the ball to. The two balls go around at the same time and participants have to remember when to say their own name and when to say the name of the other person.

2. Help me, who am I? (15 min) – clothespins, word cards (any words can be used)

The facilitator uses the clothespins to put the word cards on the participants’ back. The participants have to find out who they are by asking yes/no question from the others. Participants should refrain from giving tips or saying any other answers than yes/no.

At the end of the game the facilitator initiates conversation on who could keep this rule and why they felt necessary to break it.

3. Rules (20 perc) – large sheets of paper, colour markers

Participants work in mixed groups of adults and chidren. Each group is given a field of interest or topic, e.g. cooking, public transport, school life, scientific experiments, gardenint, etc. Their task is to collect and write down rules of that field/topic. The spokespersons of the groups sum up their findings.

The facilitator collects the notes and each group gets the work of another group. In the nex round they have to think about situations when these rules can be broken. The spokespersons of the groups sum up their findings.

4. Empty chair (10 min)

Participants sit on chairs that are placed in disorder all over the room (not in a circle!). There is an empty chair. The facilitator walks slowly and tries to sit down. Participants try to prevent this by sitting on the empty chair. But when one participant sits in the empty chair, their original chair becomes empty, so the facilitator can sit on that. Once a participant got up from a chair, they cannot sit back onto the same chair. After the first unsuccessful attempt, the facilitator offers two minutes of discussion time to form a strategy.

5. The rules of celebrations (20 min) – large sheets of paper, colour markers

Participants work in mixed groups of adults and chidren. Their task is to collect how they celebrate birthdays, Christmas, etc. What are their customs, rules, traditions? The spokespersons of the groups sum up their findings.

7. Closing circle ­ (10 min)

Participants take out various objects from a bag. They have to explain how that object is connected to their experiences of the workshop.