24th workshop: Money

1. Opening circle (10 min)

Big circle: How do you feel now, what happened to you during the last week? 

2. I got a present! (10 min) 

Volunteer participants get a situation (see Annex) they have to act out, the others try to guess what it is.

3. What would you spend it on? (20 min) – jelly beans

Participants work in small groups. Each group has 20 jelly beans, that is their monthly salary. They get the sheet from the Annex where everything costs between 1-4 jelly beans and decide what they want to spend their 20 jelly beans on. Each group must explain their choices. If they would not spend on accommodation, food, furniture or clothes, the facilitator must ask how they would manage without those.

In the next round the facilitator tells the groups that unfortunately their salary was reduced to 17 beans. What would they give up? They should also consider how to decrease other costs, e.g. cycling or walking instead of paying for public transportation, going on free trips as entertainment, etc.

In the next round the facilitator tells the groups that unfortunately they were in an accident. If they had health insurance, it is okay, but if not, they again lost 2 jelly beans. What would they give up?

In the next round the facilitator tells the groups that they got a bonus, and in the noext month they will have 23 jelly beans. How would they spend it?

In the end they can eat the jelly beans.

4. Bankers of Failyland (15 min) – colour markers and pencils

The facilitator inititates a discussion about what kind of information is on banknotes and coins.

Each participant gets the banknote and coin outlines from the Annex. They should design their own money and give it a name.

5. Closing circle (5 min)

What are you taking away from this workshop? What was the best/ most difficult? 


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24th workshop: Money 5
what would you spend it on
24th workshop: Money 6
bankjegyek es penzermek 1
24th workshop: Money 7