3rd mixed workshop: Sets of rules
Ballnet (10 min) – two balls of different colours Participants stand in a big circle. They throw a ball to one another, saying their own first name. In the nex round they have to throw the bal to the same…
Ballnet (10 min) – two balls of different colours Participants stand in a big circle. They throw a ball to one another, saying their own first name. In the nex round they have to throw the bal to the same…
Opening circle: Throw a clap (5 min) Participants stand in a circle and pass around a clap by clapping at the very same time than their neighbour. In the next round, the direction can be changed by clapping twice. 2.…
Ice breaker: games with a co-operative parachute (10 min) Science in our lives (25 min) – large sheets of paper, colour markers Participants work in mixed groups of adults and chidren. The facilitator asks the questions, the groups discuss it,…
1. Opening circle (10 min) Big circle: How do you feel now, what happened to you during the last week? 2. Dangerous space adventure (10 min) The facilitator puts newspaper sheets on the floor (half as many as the number of participants)…
1. Opening circle (10 min) Big circle: How do you feel now, what happened to you during the last week? 2. Anthill (10 min) The facilitator initiates a conversation about anthills. Have the participants ever seen one? What do they remember? The…
1. Opening circle (10 min) Big circle: How do you feel now, what happened to you during the last week? 2. Misnaming (10 min) Participants walk around the classroom pointing at three objects and saying names that the objects are NOT. E.…
1. Opening circle (10 min) Big circle: How do you feel now, what happened to you during the last week? 2. Coding master (10 min) The facilitator explains that she is the coding master and all the participants are computers. The computers…
1. Opening circle (10 min) Big circle: How do you feel now, what happened to you during the last week? 2. I got a present! (10 min) Volunteer participants get a situation (see Annex) they have to act out, the others try…
1. Opening circle (10 min) Big circle: How do you feel now, what happened to you during the last week? 2. Moving celebrations (10 min) Participants volunteer to act out various celebrations (school day, birthday, national holiday, Chrismas, etc). The others try…
1. Opening circle (10 min) Big circle: How do you feel now, what happened to you during the last week? 2. Electric shock (10 min) Participants think about situations in which one can get an electric shock and act them out one…
1. Opening circle (10 min) Big circle: How do you feel now, what happened to you during the last week? 2. Geometric forms (5 min) Participants walk around. When the facilitator shouts a number (3, 4, 5, etc.) that number of participants…
1. Opening circle (10 min) Big circle: How do you feel now, what happened to you during the last week? 2. Mute animals (5 min) Participants stand in a big circle, everybody acts out their favourite animals without making sounds. The others…